Friday 10 March 2017

Science discrepant event.3

Bernaulli's Principle
1.fill the bottle completely with water.
2. Immerse the smaller straw a little in the water with the help of your finger.
3. Hold the small straw straight and with the help of longer straw blow strongly over the open end of the smaller straw.

We can see shower of water sprayed.

1.we must know that  according to Bernaulli's Principle, moving air creates low pressure.
2. When the air moves over the open end of the straw low pressure is created over the open end thereby the water under normal atmospheric pressure in the bottle rises up towards the low pressure created by blowing air. Thereby the water particles are sprayed into the air.

Bernaulli's Principle.

science discripant event 2

Pascal's Law:
1. Make few holes in all direction over the pet bottle.
2. Fill the pet bottle fully with water completely.
3. With the mouth blow and force air inside the bottle.
4. Inform the students to observe the water flowing through the three holes.

It is observed that the water flows out with equal pressure through all the holes in all the directions.

Because of Pascal's Law.
This law states that pressure applied to the enclosed liquid, is transmitted equally and undiminished throughout the liquid.

Pascal's Law has wide application in hydraulics and fluid dynamics. we can see several earth moving machineries work on the basis of Pascal's Law.

Science Discripant Event 1

 Experiment :
1. Take the conical flask and place the boiled egg over its mouth.( the egg does not enter the conical flask).
2. Remove the egg and burn the piece of paper and gently insert inside the conical flask.
3. As soon as the fire is about to extinguish place the boiled egg on the mouth of the conical flask.

It is observed that the flask instantly swallows the egg.

1. When the piece of paper burns inside the flask, the fire heats the air inside, the air expands, becomes light and rises up and moves out of the flask creating low pressure inside the flask.( partial vaccum inside the flask)
2. The flask tries to draw the outside air inside, in the process the boiled egg is sucked inside the flask.

1) Effect of atmospheric pressure.
2) Expansion and contraction of air.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Science and technology in the field of transportation

In the chapter " Motion and Measurements of Distances" std VI th,  the subtopic ' Story of transport ' can be explained by telling students about the earliest mode of transport to the new one.
Teacher can tell students how the improvement in science and technology brought such a great change in transportation system.
Railways, motorised boat, ship, aeroplanes,  electric train, monorail, supersonic aircraft, spacecraft. .etc are all results of improvement in science and technology  that has occurred over the years.
Teacher can also tell students how this transport system has helped humans to carry out all their task smoothly and efficiently.

Science and technology in the field of agriculture and biotechnology

In the chapter " Improvement in Food Resources" std IXth , the subtopic 'crop variety improvement' can be taught by telling students about the hybridisation process. Teacher can tell students how seeeds are hybridised by using new new biotechnology procedures in order to get better quality seeds. Exact process of hybridisation can b shown to students by showing a video. This wil definitely help them to understand the concept in better way.

Science and technology in the field of harnessing energy

In the chapter " sources of energy", std Xth,  teacher can explain the concept of biogas plant to students by showing a video or by actually taking students to any biogas power plant. This will help them to understand the operation of such plants, its structure , of what material it is build,  different chambers present in such plants and how exactly biogas is produced in such plant.

Science and technology in the field of medicine and research

1.Teacher can clear the concept of blood pressure to students by showing them how to measure human blood pressure using the instrument Sphygmomanometer .
2.Teacher can explain "Heart and its parts" to students by showing an x-ray of heart.
3.Teacher can make use of clinical thermometer to explain students how to measure human body temperature.
4.Teacher can explain students how measure human heart beat by using stethoscope.

Science and technology in the field of manufacturing process

In the chapter " fibre to fabric" std. VI th, teacher can explain the various processes involved in textile manufacturing like ginning, spinning, weaving, knitting etc either by showing a video or by organizing a industrial visit to any textile industry. This can help students to understand how technology can be used to manufacture new products from raw materials.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Graphical Rating Scale

A graphical rating scale for assessing students attitude towards environmental issues:

Directions: Indicate the degree to which the students are concern about environmental issues by placing ( ✔ ) under the respective item.

Questionnaire on "Climate Change"

                                          Questionnaire on Climate Change

Name of the student:

1. Do you feel the pattern of whether is changing now?
a) Yes
b) No

2. Have you heard anytime about "climate change"?
 a) Yes
b) No

3. Where have you heard about "climate change"?
a) Television
b) Newspaper
c) Internet
d) any other

4. "Climate Change" is an important environmental issue?
a) Yes
b) No

5. What do you know about  "climate change"?

6. What do you think causes "Climate Change"?

7. What impact climate change may have on human life?

. Have you even taken, or do you regularly take any action out of concern for climate change?
a) Yes
b) No

9. If yes, what did you do / you are doing?

10. How can you create awareness among people about climate change and its probable effects?