Tuesday 21 February 2017

Co-relation of science with other subjects

Science is quite a complex and vast kind of subject, because of which the task of correlating it with other subjects of curriculum seems to be quite an easy task. Through this, students will find the opportunity to relate the knowledge which they have already gained, with the knowledge which they are gaining.

1. Co-relation of science with History:
History can be very well co-related with science subject. While mentioning about the various scientific discoveries taken place in the earlier period , teacher can relate with major events of the world history. Teacher should narrate to the incidences which inspired various scientist to found out the medical remedies of various diseases.
Example: In the chapter, Motion and measurement of distances, the subtopic 'Story of transport' can be best explained by telling students about the earliest mode of transport to the recent one. Through this history of transport system will be cleared to the students. Teacher can also tell students about the history related to the invention of wheel, invention of steam engine that made remarkable change in mode of transport.
2. Co-relation of science with mathematics:
Mathematics is considered to be sole language of science because of which real understanding of science is considered to be impossible without adequate knowledge of mathematics. Some of the useful mathematical tools which are generally used in science teaching are Algebraic equations, graphs, geometric formulas, etc.
Example: The chapter Motion can be best taught by making use of mathematical graphs and equations. To describe the motion of object, we can use the line graphs.In this case line graphs shows dependence of one physical quantity, such as distance or velocity on another quantity, such as time.Equations of motion (Velocity-Time relation and Position-Time relation) can be explained by using graphical method.
3.Co-relation of science with environment:
Most of the sciences concept can be related to the environment.the infusion of environment education in science teaching will definitely develop good attitude in students towards their environment.
Example: The chapter conservation of plants and animals can be explained very well by co-relating with environment. Teacher can very well teach about different types of flora and faunas found in given region. Teacher can teach about various protected areas that are meant for conservation of plants and animals (sanctuaries, national parks, biosphere reserves). Migration can be best taught by relating to the environment.